
Diablo 3 2.5 patch notes
Diablo 3 2.5 patch notes

diablo 3 2.5 patch notes

  • As a part of Season of the Malignant, there will be a new Nightmare Dungeon rotation.
  • All content in Season of the Malignant will be available on day 1.
  • Since it was being developed alongside the release of Diablo 4, Season of the Malignant will be smaller than future Diablo Seasons.
  • Many details about Season of the Malignant were revealed during last week's Developer Update Livestream, however, the Diablo 4 developers had a few new pieces of information to add during this interview: The 3 Caged Hearts that have been revealed so far. All of these new Aspects, Uniques, and other powers will give players new ways to play their characters, as well as create new builds entirely.

    diablo 3 2.5 patch notes

    In addition to this one new Uber-Unique, it has also been confirmed that there will be 7 new Legendary Aspects, as well as new powers from the 32 Malignant Hearts that are being introduced this Season. While it has previously been reported that Season of the Malignant will introduce players to 6 new Unique items, in a recent Forbes interview with Game Director Joe Shely and Diablo General Manager Rod Fergusson, it was confirmed that one new Uber Unique will be among these six Unique items coming to Diablo 4's first Season.ħ New Legendary Aspects Coming in Season 1 'Season of the Malignant' Gameplay Guide

    Diablo 3 2.5 patch notes